should i have a daughter.

Vesta Moon
2 min readApr 22, 2020

should i have a daughter…

i’ll love her from the start.

her heart should be kind,

her mind should be smart.

so a letter to you, my future sweetheart…

there are somethings i want you to know, things all mothers should.

there is so much hurt in this world and you’re gonna wanna fix it but,

your hands are much too small to fit the world in them.

don’t let this deter you from flying.

because at the age of 4, your problems will be as simple as scraping your knee on the playground. nothing more than a bandaid and a few kisses can’t fix.

because at the age of 10, you’ll have dreams of becoming an astronaut. where space is your only limit, don’t let anyone strip you of this because you can conquer the universe.

because at the age of 16, you’re going to think you are in love. he’s going to hold your hand like it’s a pristine artifact, he’ll kiss your lips like how the ocean comes back to the shore. you’ll think it’s forever because he says it will be. it took 9 months to build your heart and he is going to break it in a matter of seconds. but, there is no heartbreak that chocolate and ice cream can’t fix…

well there might be a few but, thats why I will carry an extra supply of tissues and rain boots because when the flood water gets too deep,

i will be there.

you deserve a man in likeness of your father. his hands are gentle and his heart is kind. you have to remember that your mother is a worrier and your father, well he’s the warrior and YOU are the sums of our better halfs.

at the age of 18, you’ll think you have big plans. you’re going to do great things but, the road won’t be easy.

good things come in 3’s: graduation, college, and freedom.

but, so do bad things: no more of mom’s meals, goodnight kisses, and hands to hold when the weight of the world gets too heavy.

i want you to remember the world will knock the wind out of you, but that will only remind you of how much you love the taste of air.

when you’ve done something wrong- apologies.

when the world feels like it’s crashing down on you- pray.

don’t forget to call home when your homesick.

always say thank you.

help others-but also know how to say no.

love- with your whole heart

and accept- nothing less than you deserve,

because my darling you deserve to hold hand with your fate… and walk to the ends of the earth.

-Vesta Moon ☾

